WK Deluxe Stopper Faucet Upgrade (Per Faucet) #18204
WineKeeper Deluxe Stopper-Faucet Upgrade (Per Faucet) (P/N 18204). Used for Tabletop models only (Keeper, Showcase, Vintner, Noir) this deluxe faucet is stainless steel and is more durable than the standard plastic faucet (#7855).
Quantity should match the number of stopper-faucets (#15134 or #15134) you are ordering for your tabletop system. For example, a 4-bottle system needs 4 upgrades for its faucets. This is not a separate faucet, it can only be used to upgrade a tabletop unit at the time of order.
Can only be added-on to NEW orders!
Upgrade tabletop unit to deluxe stainless steel faucet - per faucet charge
- Designed for use with WineKeeper tabletop models
- Stainless steel faucet with plastic accents
- Factory installation only
- Gas cylinders and regulator sold separately
Brand: WineKeeper
Weight: 2 lbs
Material: Stainless-Steel