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Fan Cycling Control Switch RETROFIT #18176

SKU: 18176 Fan Cycling RETROFIT
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CellarPro Fan Cycling Control Switch RETROFIT (P/N 18176). All CellarPro cooling units can be operated in temperatures down to 40F without additional equipment.

Below 40F, you must add our compressor heater item #1727, which is included as standard equipment with all outdoor hoods and exterior cooling units, and allows CellarPro cooling units to be operated in temperatures down to 20F.

Below 20F, you should add the fan cycling control switch, which allows CellarPro self-contained cooling units and split systems with electronic control to be operated in temperatures down to -20F.

We do not recommend installing dual-power valve-control split systems in temperatures below 20F.

CellarPro's fan cycling control allows Split Systems, VS Series and Air Handler Series cooling units to be operated in temperatures down to -20F (electronic control split systems and all self-contained cooling units.). Retrofits for 1800 Series should be done in the factory.

  • Provides fan control for temperatures below 20F
  • Allows non-valve units to operate down to -20F, and valve units to operate down to 0F
  • Compatible with all CellarPro units except AH18-AH30 units
  • This item may be field installed

Brand: CellarPro

Weight: 0.35 lbs

1 Year

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